Student Record: Volume and Capacity Assessment Summary

Matthew* (Pseudonym)

WT= Working Towards
A= Achieving
WB= Working Beyond

Lesson One 





Assessment Evidence

Demonstrates an understanding of the concept of ‘capacity’ (Communicating)



·         Matthew suggested different strategies for finding capacity including packing and calculating dimensions (see Observation Notes).

Comparing the capacity of different containers (Reasoning)   


·         Successfully estimated container with the largest capacity and also used terminology such as ‘most’ and ‘least’, and numerical ranking to order the capacity of the containers (see work sample).

Estimating then measuring capacity using informal units (Applying Strategies)



·         Matthew was able to accurately use informal units to measure capacity. Utilised estimation to suggest how many more ‘scoops’ would fit in the container without overflowing.

Estimating then measuring using 50mL (formal) units (Applying Strategies)



·         Suggested looking at eye-level to make accurate measurements (see Observation Notes). Prompted peers and teachers to adjust level of water to improve accuracy. Totalled capacity by multiplying 50mL by the number of repetitions.

Recording results of measurement tasks (Communicating)




·         Used tallying but unclear (see work sample). Matthew would benefit from recording the total of the tally. Orally calculated total volume but did not record on worksheet.

Lesson Two 





Assessment Evidence

Identifies the difference between capacity and volume (Reflecting)



·         Matthew can easily discuss the differences between volume and capacity when questioned.

Measure and calculate volume in cm3




·         Evidence of this indicator can be noted within the student’s work sample from this lesson

Communicates understanding of the way to calculate the volume of rectangular prisms, that is, finding the area of the base and multiplying by the number of layers (Applying Strategies, Communicating)



·         Evidence of this indicator can be noted within the student’s work sample from this lesson. Matthew also communicated the formula involved in calculating the volume of shapes, displaying his sound knowledge of this concept.

Constructs different rectangular prisms that have the same volume (Applying Strategies)



·         Matthew was able to demonstrate with the mathematical formula required to create these shapes, yet struggled to construct them.

Identifies the difference between centimetres cubed and centimetres squared (Reflecting)




·         Matthew was able to identify the features of centimetres cubed and squared and how they differed through the use of formulas. His understanding was represented through deep discussion.

Explains that objects with the same volume may have different shapes (Communicating, Reflecting)




·         Was able to show with the two shapes he constructed the concept of varying shapes having the same volume. Matthew’s discussion of this concept displayed less confidence.

Represents the net of a 3D shape using accurate measurements



·         Matthew had a difficult time drawing the net of objects. He attempted to complete the task but needed much guidance to create accurate nets of these shapes.

Lesson Three 





Assessment Evidence

Defines displacement (Communicating)



·         Definition of displacement provided on work sample is unclear however student demonstrated practical understandings of displacement.

Uses negotiated units to create an accurate device for measuring displacement (Reasoning).




·         Suggested 50mL units as increments – valid suggestion however decided would take too long. Measurement device was not accurate but was created using the appropriate strategy.

Measure and calculate volume in cm3 of objects other than rectangular prisms using displacement




·         Matthew engaged in the group task to measure displacement of cubes and marbles. Successfully recorded and replicated displacement of rocks.

Recognises that an object that displaces 300 mL of water has a volume of 300 cubic centimetres (Reflecting)




·         Had previously demonstrated knowledge that 1cm3=1mL, however, believed that more than 100 cubes would be required to raise the water level from 100mL to 200mL.

Develops strategies for predicting displacement for collections of irregular objects (Applying Strategies)



·         Matthew demonstrated reluctance to adopt new strategies of estimation despite inaccuracy of strategy (see work sample).

Explains that objects with the same volume may have different shapes (Communicating, Reflecting)   



·         Compared the displacement of salad dressing tubs with marbles and rocks, demonstrating awareness that despite differences in shape, all objects had a total volume (and thus displacement) of 100cm3 (100mL).

Generalises that there is not a direct relationship between mass and volume (Reasoning, Communicating) 



·         Clarified that displacement is the same for all objects with a volume of 1cm3 despite any differences in mass.